If a picture is worth 1000 words, and a film has 24 pictures per second then 1 minute film should be the equivalent of 24,000 words, even if we round down. Though this metaphor may not be scientific, there should be no question about the power of film in class. Films provide a context for learning, a record and a means of communication. Beyond that, they are a great tool to help build students curiosity. As a social studies teacher, allowing students to visually see primary or recreated images of people living during the depression provides a context to understand the time period. As a science teacher, it can provide a factual record of an experiment (as seen below). Teachers can use these films to communicate ideas and content to students. However classroom time is often to valuable to show lengthy films and students watching them at home lose the instructional benefit a teacher can add to a film. EDpuzzle, provides a platform for teachers to use film as instructional tool outside of the school day. It makes it possible to pause the video, insert audio comments and ask students questions. Send it out for homework and save the class time for something else! Can you EDpuzzle?
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