Tip Of The Week

Monday, December 7, 2015

Hour Of Code Dec 7 - Dec 13

It's The Hour of Code!
December 7-13 2015

This global movement is designed to draw awareness to computer science by encouraging everyone to spend 1 hr next week learning about computer coding. 

Anyone Can Code

During the Hour of Code week share this link
with students and let them explore the many self-guided coding resources. Sites vary in difficulty from TK-12th grade. 

No device or internet? Click HERE to try 'unplugged' computer science- great for helping students of all ages concepts related to coding. 

Visit Code.org for more information and resources

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Google Expeditions

In October, Google Expeditions came to Lydiksen, Vintage Hills, Harvest Park, Hart, and Pleasanton Middle School. It provided an opportunity for students to take a virtual field trip to the Great Barrier Reef, Roman Colosseum, Colonial Philadelphia and many other exotic locations around the world. Students were provided an Android smartphone and fold up piece of cardboard for their expeditions which were controlled by the teachers tablet. Google Expeditions is currently being beta tested, but hopefully will be available later this year. In the meantime, many of the 360 photos and videos are available online. Find out more about Expeditions here.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Listen Current - ELA Claim 3 Listening and Speaking

Listening Comprehension like any other skill needs to be taught and practiced to improve student performance. Listen Current is a great resource to help teachers find relevant podcasts that align to their contents. Free accounts allow teachers to search by topic, provide a link to a podcast along with several comprehension questions. There are more features available for a fee, but the free version provides the important resources that teachers need. 
