Tip Of The Week

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Back to School HyperDoc Form

Back to School HyperDoc Form
a writing activity to get to know your students

Welcome back to school! I'm looking forward to a year of creating and sharing new ideas and applications for integrating technology into pieces of your curricumum. As you start back with your students, I wanted to share a lesson that you can use with just a little bit of work on your part. 

Engage your students to share a little about themselves without to many teacher led instructions using this amazing video by John Spencer and a Google Form to package student responses. 

Unfortunately, you can not share the form I created with your students or you won't receive their replies. You also can not make a copy of the form I created, but below are some instructions on how to recreate it yourself. 

  1. Screen Shot 2015-08-25 at 8.38.21 PM.png
    Start by creating a new form. Not sure how? Click HERE for a video tutorial to help. I did not make all questions mandatory in case students didn’t want to share 5 things.
  1. Screen Shot 2015-08-25 at 9.26.09 PM.pngTo add the image, take a screenshot of it or right click to copy. (Or create your own!) Tutorial video on how to take a screenshot using Snagit                                                
    Screen Shot 2015-08-25 at 9.36.39 PM.png
  1. To insert an image or a video in a form, click on add item and select either image or video. Once you put the item in, click on it to resize. You can also center it. Add a section header for more instructions if you want. 
  2. HERE is a link to John Spencer’s awesome video.
  3. To change the look of the form, select Change Theme then Customize. Play around with it to get the look you want.
  4. To see your final form, click View Live Form and share that link with you students. You will find the responses in your drive.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Get started with Digital Portfolios For Middle School Students

The digital portfolio template that has been created is designed to work across content areas and levels. It is set up as an announcement page to allow students to post their work they wish to publish mimicking a blog post. The most current posts will be at the top and the most recent post for each subject will be showcased on the students homepage. 

Teachers should collect a direct link to the students content area page, not the home page. For example Science Teachers will collect a link to the Science Tab. 

You can collect these links using Google Classroom or Google Forms.

Link For Students To Create Their Portfolio From Template

A How To Tutorial Video

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Back To School Tech - 101 #PUSDedu

WIFI - amadordonsnet
Hyperdoc Lessons - Elementary Projects - Middle School 
Screen Shot 2014-08-16 at 7.22.04 PM.png

Tech For Instruction
Tech For Making Your Life Better
*There’s A Map 4 That  
*7 Things to know - Google Forms
*Digital Formative Assessments
*Google Sites
*Workflow and Extensions
Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 3.26.02 PM.png
*Flipped Learning
Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 3.20.32 PM.png
*Digital Portfolios
*Show What You Know
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*HyperDocs and Multimedia text sets
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Saturday, August 1, 2015

California's Drought - There's A Map For That

How To Videos


Click on the Image to Make a Copy
 Make A Copy Of Drought Hyper-Doc

Google Maps - Great for viewing, directions, weather patterns, Moon phases, and Measurements. Does Not Save!

Google My Maps - Most Google Maps tools, plus the ability to Collaborate, Share and Save. Add multiple Layers, images and videos to your map and places.

Google Tour Builder - Create an ordered tour with locations, text, images and videos.


It is now possible to use Chromeboooks to create tours. However, Tours will look and work better if created and played on a different web browser. Chrome OS does not allow 3-D tours. 

3D Tours (not available in Chrome)

More Maps Resources
